Michele Magro
Michele is a legal & compliance professional with a focus on gambling law compliance, commercial law and AML/CFT, and is currently the Head of Legal & Compliance EU at GGPoker. Previously, Michele spent ten years in the public sector, most recently as Technical Advisor to the CEO at the Malta Financial Services Authority, and Chief Counsel - International Affairs & Policy at the Malta Gaming Authority, where he was also Chairman of the Supervisory Council. During his time at the MGA, Michele sat on the Board of Directors of the Gambling Regulators European Forum. Michele is also involved in the esports sector, and is the President of the non-profit organisation, the Malta Esports Association.
Future Room
V TAVOLA ROTONDA esports: alla ricerca di un ecosistema sostenibile
- On. Antonio Caso, Membro VII Commissione (Cultura, Scienza e Istruzione), Camera dei Deputati
- Michele Magro, Presidente Malta Esports Association
- Hélène Thibault, Partner IP & Technology Tonucci & Partners, Board Member La French Tech Italy
- Alberto Simonetti, Policy & Public Affairs Manager IIDEA
- Sergi Mesonero, Head of Esports Video Games Europe
MODERA: Massimo Caputi, giornalista, speaker RTL102,5, CEO & Founder AI4SPORT
Innovation Room
I TAVOLA ROTONDA - L’opportunità della liquidità condivisa per il settore del gioco online in Italia
- Luigi Centorame, Senior Analyst Cuiprodest
- Salvatore Vullo, Managing partner Kogem
- Michele Magro, Head of Legal & Compliance EU GGPoker
MODERA: Giuseppe Volpe, Italy Country manager Political Intelligence / Founder Cuiprodest